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In a Garden Burning Gold by Rory Power

In a Garden Burning Gold

Author: Rory Power

Series: The Wind-Up Garden

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital (Kindle Purchase)

Publish Date: April 2022

Read: January 2023

Favorite Quote: She could protect him, or she could do what was right. But she was sure now that she could not do both.

Story Synopsis: Twins Rhea and Lexos do their part daily for the family legacy. Unlike other families, they live for an exceptionally long time, and each family member has a unique power to wield. In a Garden Burning Gold shares the perspectives of Rhea and Lexos as they make choices to help the family, and their country, while trying to find themselves along the way.

Why does this book beguile? In a Garden Burning Gold is full of intrigue and high-stakes politics in a fantasy realm. Rhea and Lexos have a power-hungry father and two siblings who play large roles in this book. Rory Power does an excellent job of world-building with the various kingdoms, countries, customs, and landscapes portrayed throughout the book. I enjoyed how this book is a complete story, even while being the first of a series. Power does an excellent job of leaving you wanting more of this story but also completing the events of this book.

Rating: 4.5/5

Link*: In a Garden Burning Gold by Rory Power