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Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday

Stillness is the Key

Author: Ryan Holiday

Genre: Non-fiction

Format: Physical

Publish Date: October 2019

Read: October 2019

Favorite Quote: Buddhists talk of “walking meditation,” or kinhin, where the movement after a long session of sitting, particularly movement through a beautiful setting, can unlock a different kind of stillness than traditional meditation.

Synopsis: Stillness is the Key shows you how all cultures and schools of thought have an inherent component of calm. Ancient Greeks, Buddhists, and atheist philosophers share the belief that internal panic, chaos, and disorganization benefits no one, least of all you. Some chapters may seem obvious, like “Get some sleep.” But look for the message in the text. There’s no implication you aren’t sleeping but are you sleeping enough? Is the quality of your sleep sufficient? Stillness isn’t listening to whale sounds for twenty minutes each day and calling it meditation. Stillness is a character trait that allows you to navigate the biggest challenges and unfair struggles you encounter.

Thoughts & Feelings: Stillness is the Key, the third book in Ryan Holiday’s Stoic Philosophy trilogy, is more important today than it was at its release. Call it inner peace. Call it stillness. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the ability to remain calm, focused, and prepared in a busy and noisy world.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Link*: Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday