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The Bone Shard Emporer by Andrea Stewart

The Bone Shard Emporer

Author: Andrea Stewart

Series: The Drowning Empire

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Format: Digital via Kindle Purchase

Publish Date: April 2022

Read: February 2023

Favorite Quote: Old men always think they know better than everyone else, even when the world has long since changed around them.


Story Synopsis: The Bone Shard Emporer, book two of The Drowning Empire series, picks up immediately following the events of The Bone Shard Daughter. Lin is now Emporer of the Phoenix Empire, and finally, her path crosses Jovis. Together, they find themselves searching the Empire for new threats: a construct army seeking to depose Lin, distrustful and rebellious governors, and whispers of a growing Alanga population.

Why does this book beguile? Stewart continues her exquisite world-building in book two of The Drowning Empire series by having deeply complex characters. This book is even better than The Bone Shard Daughter - a feat not often achieved in the second of a trilogy series. The Bone Shard Emporer continues the characters' multiple points of view and unique voices while developing a fast-paced story. When you finish, you’ll be itching for the conclusion of this story in The Bone Shard War.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: The Bone Shard Emporer by Andrea Stewart