Beguiled By Books

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Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity by Devon Price

Unmasking Autism

Subtitle: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity

Author: Devon Price, PhD

Genre: Nonfiction, Science,

Format: Physical purchase

Publish Date: April 2022

Read: June 2024

Favorite Quote: Diagnosis is a gatekeeping process, and it slams its heavy bars in the face of anyone who is too poor, too busy, too Black, too feminine, too queer, and too gender nonconforming, among others.

Synopsis: For many years, Autism and Autistic people were only diagnosed when there were visible manifestations. However, there are untold numbers of Autistic people who wear a neurotypical mask every day: they know how to act in a specific way that is “societally approved” to make others feel more comfortable. Adopting a superficial personality and wearing this mask, understandably, creates mental and physical burdens on this community.

Devon Price seeks to help readers understand the many masks Autistics wear and even help them unmask themselves to live more authentically.

Why does this book beguile? There is so much we don’t know about Autism. Devon Price, an autistic member of the genderqueer community, seeks to help readers understand its many faces and nuances. I devoured this book. I felt connected to several of the stories shared in Unmasking Autism and appreciated the specific discussions around the varying intersections a person may have in their journey regarding race, queerness, and other identities. Price also describes overlapping conditions, like ADHD and chronic illnesses.

I’ve shared my thoughts here (and on YouTube) before about neurodivergence and my own self-diagnosis, and Price does a great job of validating each person’s journey, as well as the gatekeeping process of getting - or wanting to get - a diagnosis. Ultimately, whether you are autistic or allistic, neurodivergent or neurotypical, we all wear masks to conform and fit into norms we didn’t agree to or establish for ourselves. Price’s message to all readers is to accept yourself and live more authentically to be free and happy.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity by Devon Price

If you’re interested in this, read*: Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst by Robert Sapolsky