Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

Norse Mythology

Author: Neil Gaiman

Genre: Mythology

Format: Digital (via Libby)

Publish Date: February 2017

Read: January 2023

Favorite Quote: Where the ice and the fire met the ice melted, and in the melting waters life appeared: the likeness of a person bigger than worlds, huger than any giant there will be or has ever been. This was neither male, nor was it female, but was both at the same time. This creature was the ancestor of all the giants, and it called itself Ymir.

Synopsis: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman is a wonderful retelling of some of the best tales of Norse culture. If you’re a fan of Thor, Odin, Loki, Sif, and Frigga, you’ll love this collection. Gaiman did the hard work of sifting through the eddas, sagas, and texts to summarize and share these stories in an approachable and enjoyable way. Norse Mythology is a short book and you can easily read it in a weekend (or a day)

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman