Beguiled By Books

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Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Today marks the last post of 2019! The last few years have seen a lot from me: starting and closing a business, changing the name and purpose of this site, and a lot of personal growth and development. All of these experiences and changes have led me down a path and I feel, more than ever, I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

In the next two weeks, (12/24 and 12/31), I'm taking a break. I'm off of social media (mostly), away from emails, and probably away from the computer. My family and I celebrate the gift-giving and food-eating of the Christmas holiday and then I'm taking the last week of the year to reflect and reenergize leading into 2020. The hubby and I will relax, watch movies, and continue to declutter our lovely home.

What to Expect in 2020

Next year, you can expect posts each Tuesday. The book club will change and the recommendations page will be updated with new ideas. 2020 should be an exciting year. I appreciate your support and readership. I hope the remainder of your year is wonderful, joyful, and full of love.

P.S. - This is Arya, aka Tinka. She loves you. You love her. Happy Holidays.