Book Club Reading Guides - Now Available

Book Clubs have long been a passion of mine - particularly in the workplace. Book clubs bring people together, build community and camaraderie, and encourage discussion.

But starting - and managing - a book club is truly a labor of love. Book club leaders usually need to:

  • read the book in advance

  • schedule the meetings/discussions

  • ensure there is ongoing conversation

  • manage debates/discussions in a helpful, empathetic way

  • make the book club a valuable/joyful use of time for participants


Then, book club leaders usually must repeat the process for each book. It can be quite a lot on someone’s plate, especially because book clubs are rarely, if ever, someone’s full-time job.

I’ve got something to help with that!

Beguiled By Books now has Book Club Reading Guides available! This resource section has over thirty different reading guides for popular books. Most of these (for now) are non-fiction workplace book club reading guides. The goal is to give the leaders a jumping-off point for discussions. These guides can be printed or completed digitally and shared with your attendees.

Each reading guide has been specially created with carefully curated questions and summaries. BBB will continue to add reading guides over time. If you’re looking for something specific, please drop a note!