Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Fourth Wing

Author: Rebecca Yarros

Series: The Empyrean

Genre: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Romantasy

Format: Physical book purchase from Blackbird Books and Coffee

Publish Date: May 2023

Read: September 2023

Favorite Quote: There is nothing more sacred than the Archives. Even temples can be rebuilt, but books cannot be rewritten.

Story Synopsis: Violet Sorrengail is the twenty-year-old daughter of a high-ranking General who runs Basgiath War College. Her whole life, Violet trained to be a scribe - someone who records and documents the war efforts. One month before she’s to enter the Scribe Quadrant and begin her training, her mother pulls rank and makes her enter the Riders Quadrant - someone who goes into battle and, assuming they don’t die in their first year, rides a dragon and gains a magical power.

As Violet starts her time in the Riders Quadrant, her frail body marks her as one of the weaker cadets, and the son of a rebel leader, Xaden Riorsen, takes notice of her and vows to kill her. As Violet continues her time at Basgiath, her feeling that the military leaders are hiding something grows. When her life is put on the line time and time again, Violet must choose where her loyalties truly lie.

Why does this book beguile? OMG this book is every bit worth the hype you’ve seen on social media. I was skeptical about it. I thought there was no way Fourth Wing would be as good as people say. Boy, was I wrong.

Fourth Wing delivered action, romance/spice, humor, magic, dragons (!), and war in such a well-written, approachable way. Rebecca Yarros’ writing is excellent - she doesn’t use twenty words when two will suffice. The book is better for it. I’m so excited for Iron Flame to come out in November 2023.

Rating: 5/5 - One of my top books of 2023

Link*: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

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