Happy Holidays

Winter is my favorite time of year. It’s time for stillness, quiet, reflection, and snuggling with your favorites and drinking warm beverages.

The last two weeks of the year, I attempt a quasi-digital detox. I try to reduce social media consumption, time on the internet, playing meaningless games on my phone, etc. I still use digital devices for friendly communication and reading on my Kindle. I’ll be working on a 2022 plan for MeganVick.com and a strategy for growth to bring you more bookish goodness. Please drop a comment if you have ideas!

Take time these last two weeks of 2021 and relax, renew, and prepare for 2022. If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s:

  • to take advantage of our health and privileges while we have them

  • to be happy with what you have right now instead of constantly desiring something more, more, and more

  • to build systems so you are financially stable and emotionally/mentally well

Stay healthy and choose happy. See y’all in the new year!