Beguiled By Books

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Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass Book 4)

Heir of Fire

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Series: Throne of Glass

Genre: Fiction, High fantasy, epic fantasy

Format: Digital Purchase via Kindle

Publish Date: September 2014

Read: August 2023

Favorite Quote: No longer would they be locked away in her heart.

Spoilers ahead for Previous Books in Throne of Glass!

Story Synopsis: After Chaol worked out a plan to send Celaena away from Adarlan for her safety, Celaena finds herself alone in a foreign land with Rowan, a fae prince tasked to train her. Magic hasn’t been removed from this part of the world, and she’s required to display the magic her birthright bestowed upon her and learn to embrace her fae form. To do this, she must confront and work through the darkest memories of her life. As Rowan and Celaena work together, Chaol and Dorian find themselves on different paths. Chaol inadvertently works with Aedion, Celaena’s cousin, and the rebel faction, while Dorian discovers his latent magic and works to hide it from his tyrannical father.

When Celaena and Rowan uncover the plan to unleash soul-sucking demons onto the world, Celaena must let go of who she’s been to embrace who she truly is and who the world needs.

Why does this book beguile? Heir of Fire feels like a stepping-stone book. There is a lot going on: you meet new characters, enter new worlds, and have multiple plots and storylines coinciding. Despite the feeling of something bigger coming, Heir of Fire has great pacing and keeps the action moving. I followed Heir of Fire with The Assassin’s Blade, a series of novellas released after the novels, before diving into Queen of Shadows. I loved this order and think the story is best set up in this order.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Heir of Fire (Book 3 of Throne of Glass) by Sarah J. Maas - Amazon

If you’re interested in this, read*: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas