Here in Avalon by Tara Isabella Burton

Here in Avalon

Author: Tara Isabella Burton

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Format: Physical ARC via Simon Books

Publish Date: January 2023

Read: December 2023

Story Synopsis: Rose and Cecilia, sisters, couldn’t be more different. Cecilia is one of those people that doesn’t seem to have her life together. She’s entertaining to others because of her flakiness and willingness to dive headfirst into experiences and adventures. Rose is the opposite: calm, organized, dutiful, and pragmatic.

One day, Cecilia comes across something that will change her life - like so many other misadventures she’s had. The Avalon, a mysterious cabaret, creates a bit of magic for Cecilia, giving her hope for a better life. When Cecilia’s flakiness leads to all-out disappearance, Rose must choose to let her go and keep her orderly life or to track down Cecilia to ensure she’s okay.

Why does this book beguile? Here in Avalon is beguiling because it’s all over the place. I saw this book billed as “magical realism,” “psychological thriller,” and “enchanting.” Unfortunately, it’s none of those things. Here in Avalon isn’t a bad book, but it’s a confused book. Is it about a circus/cabaret? Is it about the sisters? Is it about love? Is it about family?

I honestly don’t know.

Truth be told, I wanted to DNF the book about 100 pages in, but something interesting happened, so I kept reading. Then, nothing happened until the end, which was underwhelming.

Rating: 2/5

Link*: Here in Avalon by Tara Isabella Burton

If you’re interested in this, read*: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab