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In the Shadow Garden by Liz Parker

In the Shadow Garden

Author: Liz Parker

Genre: Fiction

Format: Advanced Reader Copy (Digital)

Publish Date: September 2022

Read: August 2022

Story Synopsis: Yarrow, Kentucky is a bourbon town like no other. It’s full of magic. The founding families date back generations. The Bonners have been a bourbon family while the Haywoods have tended to the pain the town’s citizens feel. The Haywoods help alleviate the negative feelings of the citizens, and then, those feelings are planted in the Shadow Garden. When Addison’s magic breaks and the Shadow Garden begins to suffer, three generations of Haywood women must work together to learn the secrets of the past twenty-five years after the Bonners got the dark corn from the Shadow Garden.

Likes: I adored this book! I fell in immediately. The writing is clear and concise. The characters are relatable. The pacing is quick but not rushed. And best of all, the magic works. Magic is tricky in novels, but Parker does an amazing job with both Bonner and Haywood magic. In the Shadow Garden is part mystery, part fantasy, part romance, and delightful all the way around. I can’t wait for you to read this!

Comments: Thanks to the publisher for approving an Advanced Reader Copy for me!

Rating: 5/5

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