Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

Divine Rivals

Author: Rebecca Ross

Series: Letters of Enchantment

Genre: Magical Realism, Fantasy, Romance

Format: Physical Purchase

Publish Date: December 2023

Read: April 2024

Favorite Quote: I don’t think we know what we’re made of until the worst moment possible happens. Then we must decide who we truly are and what is most important to us. I think we’re often surprised by what we become.

Story Synopsis: Iris has returned from the front after the traumatic events at Avalon Bluff. The citizens of Oath continue on with life as normal, but Iris (and Attie) both know Dacre and his soldiers are coming to Oath sooner rather than later. When the opportunity to return to the front arises, Iris jumps on it to uncover the truth and to seek out Roman Kitt.

Why does this book beguile? Ruthless Vows is the continuation of Iris and Roman’s story through the lens of a war and a ruthless god who wants nothing but power. It’s hard to describe without giving away spoilers. Ultimately, I’m glad I finished the series, but I didn’t love this book and I don’t understand the hype.

Rating: 3/5

Link*: Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

If you’re interested in this, read*: Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo