Beguiled By Books

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Sunbringer by Hannah Kaner


Author: Hannah Kaner

Series: Fallen Gods

Genre: High Fantasy

Format: ARC via NetGalley & Publisher

Publish Date: March 2024

Read: February 2024

Favorite Quote: Unpaid soldiers become angry. Angry, unpaid soldiers forget their loyalty.

Story Synopsis: Elogast and Inara are on their own after Kissen saves them at Blenraden. Arren is working on his god-like perception, hoping to become a god himself. Kissen, after being granted her long overdue boon from Osidisen, makes the long, arduous journey to Lesscia to reunite with Inara and Elo.

Why does this book beguile? Godkiller, the first book of the Fallen Gods series, was short and action-packed. I found Sunbringer to be a big letdown. The first ten percent of Sunbringer, after leaving the characters in Godkiller, was awesome. I was eager to learn about each character’s fate and how it would influence the story. However, the story dragged on and on and on. This book reminded me of a meeting to talk about an upcoming meeting.

The last fifteen percent was enjoyable, but after slogging through the book, I lost interest. While the storyline is solid, this is a classic situation of a trilogy that should have been a duology (looking at you, Shadow & Bone). I’ve yet to determine if I’ll read the third book.

Rating: 3.5/5

Link*: Sunbringer by Hannah Kaner

If you’re interested in this, read*: Sabriel by Garth Nix