The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart

The Bone Shard Daughter

Author: Andrea Stewart

Series: The Drowning Empire

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Format: Digital via Kindle Purchase

Publish Date: March 2021

Read: February 2023

Favorite Quote: When a shark offers up a pearl, be wary of its teeth. My father liked to tell me that when we were sailing, though I found this lesson most often applied on land.

Story Synopsis: The Bone Shard Daughter focuses on Lin, the daughter of the Emporer, as she tries to prove herself worthy of being his heir. You also meet Jovis; a navigator-turned-smuggler whose main objective is to find his missing wife. As rebellion rumbles throughout the empire, Lin wages her own young-adult rebellion in the palace as Lin learns about bone-shard magic and the secrets her father has kept from her.

Why does this book beguile? Andrea Stewart does an excellent job with world-building and character-building in this first of three novels. The Bone Shard Daughter keeps you guessing throughout. The outcome is unclear, the characters have unpredictable arcs, and the magic is delightfully complex. You’ll find yourself throughout the day thinking about the story and wanting to return to the Empire to find out what happens next.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart