The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten

The Foxglove King

Author: Hannah Whitten

Series: The Nightshade Crown

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: March 2023

Read: November 2023

Favorite Quote: “Opposites are not always in opposition; the day and night are equals. One isn’t good and the other bad.”

Story Synopsis: At thirteen, Lore escaped from a secret society deep within the city's catacombs. For ten years, she worked in the city’s criminal underbelly, keeping a secret hidden from all but a few. When Lore finds herself in the clutches of the Crown and is forced to reveal her secret, her world shifts. What was once a curse may be a blessing, but she needs to find trustworthy allies before she can truly step into her power.

Thoughts & Feelings: I was excited to get approved for this ARC! It’s been getting more and more hype in adult fantasy circles. It does not disappoint! Some bits of the novel felt overly descriptive (the way a dress looks or the ceiling of a cathedral), but that’s my personal preference. Whitten does not come close to some of the more loquacious writers (Looking at you, Dickens). The best part about this book is how much more I wanted. While the ending was good, the story doesn’t feel over. I hope there’s a second book!

Rating: 4.5/5

Link*: The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten