Beguiled By Books

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The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch by Melinda Taub

The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch

Author: Melinda Taub

Genre: Historical Fiction

Format: Digital ARC via NetGalley

Publish Date: October 2023

Read: July 2023

Favorite Quote: We have been given immense power, and we must use it. To squander it would be wicked especially if we do not use it to right wrongs

Story Synopsis: Often overlooked, Lydia Bennet, the youngest sister of the famous Elizabeth, has a secret. She’s a witch. Learning from her aunt, Lydia learns glamour and small magics until she’s whisked away to Brighton as an apprentice by a socialite who is also a witch. As Lydia recounts her scandalous summer in Brighton of magic and mischief, she makes friends, enemies, and discovers how to step into her own power.

Why does this book beguile? Lydia Bennet writes her story to the reader. It’s a winding, sometimes distracting, tale. It’s meant to be scandalous, but you can tell Lydia doesn’t believe her actions to cause scandal. The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch is a fun, historical fiction take of the era of Pride & Prejudice with magic and witchcraft thrown in. Lydia is young and sassy, and Taub does a great job of capturing that tone in the writing.

Rating: 3.5/5

Link*: The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch by Melinda Taub - Amazon | The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch by Melinda Taub - Bookshop.Org

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