Through Smoke and Sand by Corrie Hathaway

Through Smoke and Sand

Author: Corrie Hathaway

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: September 2022

Read: April 2023

Favorite Quote: What if we could handle the hard things better if we soaked up magic and wonder the rest of the time?

Story Synopsis: Through Smoke and Sand introduces us to Lexi. Lexi has a near-pathological need to help people. People seem to simply blurt out problems to Lexi so she can fix them. On her birthday, however, Lexi is nearly mobbed by people asking for help. Suddenly, she’s approached by a Fairy Godmother who shares that Lexi is destined to become a Fairy Godmother. In her practicality, Lexi dismisses this notion. It’s not until she’s chased out of her own home that she makes the journey to Spindle Peak to claim her birthright. There, Lexi is awkward, quick-witted, and practical as the other Godmothers try and teach her the ways of blessing. When Lexi blesses the wrong child with the wrong words, she must determine how she’ll deal with the consequences.

Why does this book beguile? I was pleasantly delighted by Through Smoke and Sand. Corrie Hathaway did a great job of infusing real-world pragmatism into a fairy tale concept most of us know. My bar for this book was low when I read the synopsis, but I couldn’t put this book down! Through Smoke and Sand is fun, irreverent, fun, and wholesome. To the best of my recollection, there aren’t any adult themes or language, so it’s a great book for the whole family. I also loved how it ended well, but if there’s a sequel, I’d read it!

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Through Smoke and Sand: The Folly of Wishes by Corrie Hathaway