Beguiled By Books

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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

Author: Gabrielle Zevin

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Format: Digital (via local Library)

Publish Date: July 2022

Read: December 2022

Favorite Quote: “Why make anything if you don’t believe it could be great?”

Story Synopsis: When Sadie Green meets Sam Masur in a children’s hospital, bonding over video games, an unlikely friendship forms. When they reconnect in college, they agree to spend a summer designing and making a video game. Sam’s roommate, Marx, is an unwitting producer and the three of them grow to share an unbreakable connection. Together, they launch a game, grow a business, and experience love, loss, and growing up.

Thoughts & Feelings: Zevin’s novel, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is beautifully written. It captures the underrepresentation of women in gaming in the late 90s, the creative struggle, and how work and life can never be separated but are exquisitely, inextricably intertwined. The allusions throughout the novel to games delighted me. I empathized with the characters, despite not liking some of them. Zevin hit it out of the park with this book.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin