Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah

Where the Forest Meets the Stars

Author: Glendy Vanderah

Genre: Fiction

Format: Digital - Kindle Unlimited

Publish Date: March 2019

Read: June 2021

Favorite Quote: Maybe saying that will be magic that protects it.”

Synopsis: Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah, introduces you to an Indigo Bunting researcher whose study and life are turned upside down when a strange child with a stranger story shows up at her door.

I devoured this novel. It captivates you when you meet Joanna Teale, a dedicated doctoral candidate using her research as a shield from life. Shortly after meeting Joanna, you meet Ursa, the unusual child who randomly shows up at Joanna’s home, followed by Gabe, the neighbor farmer down the lane. Gabe and Joanna are written so well that they feel real. Neither is perfect; both are a little broken, and you feel like you’d encounter them in real life.

Thoughts & Feelings: Not only were the characters complex and personal, but the story also kept me guessing. I honestly didn’t know what could happen or how things would resolve. I laughed, cried, and was left wanting more but satisfied with the ending.

Ultimately, there wasn’t anything I disliked about Where the Forest Meets the Stars. It was a quick read but full of emotion, lovely characters, and a plot that feels like it could happen.

Maybe it did?

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Link*: Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah