I love how Megan tries to fully understand a problem before solving. She understands when she can’t or shouldn’t provide a solution. Sometimes, the greatest thing she asks is, “Do you want me to listen or provide advice?”
— Leslie S.

Happy Clients


Megan has an uncanny ability to build strong relationships with everyone. She’s never met a stranger. She’s a pro at giving constructive, actionable feedback.

— Allie Y.

Megan isn’t afraid to tell the truth - even when it’s not the popular opinion. She’s taught me to do the same.

— Quinn P.

Megan is honest. Brutally, if needed. She keeps me in check. It helps me know she's not BS'ing me and that I can trust her completely.

— Spencer L.

Megan provides a space that allows me (and others) to be who they are unapologetically.

— David R.


Megan is a great experimentor. She’ll be the first to mix things up and try new things to provide a different result. As somone who gets stuck in my ways, I need this reminder and coaching regularly.

— Scott M.

Megan is one of the most empathetic people I’ve worked with. This really manifests in her curiosity and desire to understand what she’s working with. She’s not an order-taker.

— Matt P.

Megan is a rare person who can push back on everything you do and challenge you without pissing you off. She’s kind and clear, but won’t let you be comfortable or accept the status quo. I’m better today than I was yesterday thanks to Megan.

— Lindsey E.

Megan is always positive and ready to help. She’s quirky and fun and zippy. She’s compassionate, organized, and caring. She’s the best Coach I’ve had.

— Patrick B.