The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake

The Atlas Paradox

Author: Olivie Blake

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital (Kindle Purchase)

Publish Date: October 2022

Read: November 2022

Favorite Quote: There is doom to be found everywhere if doom is what you seek.

Story Synopsis: The Atlas Paradox is the second, highly anticipated book in Olivie Blake’s Atlas trilogy. Picking up where The Atlas Six left off, Paradox follows the characters after their first year at the Alexandrian Society. In this book, the characters spend more time in independent study for the Society instead of learning and collaborating. They each explore what their magic means to them and the world, as well as what they want their contribution to be. This book dives deep into the characters' psyches, and you’re left with a hell of an ending.

Thoughts & Feelings: Unlike many trilogies, where the second book is a “stepping stone” book meant to get from the beginning to the end, The Atlas Paradox is a great book unto itself while contributing to the series. It’s well-paced, well-written, and the character development is fantastic. I’m only sad that I have to wait for the final book!

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Link*: The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake