The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake

The Atlas Six

Author: Olivie Blake

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital Purchase

Publish Date: March 2022

Read: October 2022

Favorite Quote: “Because the problem with knowledge, Miss Rhodes, is its inexhaustible craving. The more of it you have, the less you feel you know….”

Story Synopsis: Every ten years, The Alexandrian Society gathers six of the most powerful magicians on the planet for five highly coveted spots within the Society. You meet Libby Rhodes, Nico de Varona, Tristan Caine, Callum Nova, Reina Mori, and Parisa Kamali, the latest round of initiates to the Society. As the world’s foremost secret (but not-so-secret) society, the candidates are promised untold access to power and knowledge. What transpires is a part academic study, part psychological warfare, and part self-discovery. But it will cost them dearly.

Likes: Loved this book! From the first page, I was hooked by the characters. I love how you don’t know what will happen, but you keep guessing. I found myself reading faster and faster, desperately wanting to know more. I am so happy I read this book after the follow-up, The Atlas Paradox, was released so I could dive into the sequel. Blake writes in an accessible yet methodical and detailed way. Her system of magic is great and believable. The characters are relatable and feel like fellow peers you’d have at school or work. I highly recommend picking up The Atlas Six as soon as possible!

Rating: 5/5

Link*: The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake