100 Book Challenge - The Halfway Point

I started 2020 with the goal of reading 100 books by the end of the year. Now that we reached the halfway point, here are my top three so far.

Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss hosts a great podcast where he interviews successful people from all fields and backgrounds. He’s interviewed athletes, entrepreneurs, and celebrities. Ferriss took some of the best interviews, distilled the information to its essence, and created a book to help people improve in three areas: healthy, wealthy, and wise. You can read it in order or mix it up based on what’s interesting. I’d recommend a physical version of this book to better bookmark and note what resonates with you.  

Educated – Tara Westover

Educated is a fantastic memoir about a girl growing up in rural Idaho raised by parents with non-traditional, sometimes extreme, beliefs. Inspired by her brother, Tara finds her way into college and absorbs knowledge like a sponge. But, with this knowledge, she begins to question everything about how she was raised and what the word “family” really means.

It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work – Jason Fried

This quick and thought-provoking read will inspire you to make positive changes to your workplace’s culture. It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work embraces slowing down, not wasting time with busy work, and focusing on what matters and what drives revenue. Some of these practices are so simple you may think they won’t work, but they do. As we accept our new normal, this book is more relevant to workplace culture than ever before.

Other good books:

Rework - Jason Fried

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success - Carol S. Dweck

Of 58 books read so far, I’d recommend these to read first. On my reading list for the last half of the year: books on antiracism, psychology, and some good mysteries.