The End of a Very Weird Year

Today marks the last post of 2020! It’s been a weird and wild year. I don’t know that any of us have what it takes to recap all the ups and downs. Remember going places? What happened to the murder hornets?

In the next two weeks, (12/22 and 12/29), I'm taking a break. No social media (mostly) and I’m away from emails, and probably away from the computer. Celebrating looks different this year and I expect I’ll cook the same amount of food even if we’re not entertaining.

What to Expect in 2021

I have no idea!

After this year, it feels genuinely odd trying to set goals and resolutions for the coming year. The next two weeks will be full of soul-searching, planning, researching, reading, and thinking.

Here’s a quote from my 2019 recap post that proved prophetic: 2020 should be an exciting year.


I appreciate your support and readership. I hope the remainder of your year is wonderful, joyful, and full of love.

P.S. - I post Arya every year because this is the single greatest photo I’ve ever taken. Happy Holidays!


The Best Books of 2020 - The 100 Book Challenge


Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari