Best Books of Spring 2022

The second quarter is behind us - we are halfway through the year! It’s crazy to feel time passing so quickly. America is devolving, the planet is warming, and there’s still a pandemic (but since it’s inconvenient, the world is moving on anyway). What a time to be alive.

In times of stress and strife, books are salvation for many. You can escape into a fantasy world or learn more about a topic from a reputable expert (please read books by data-focused experts). Here are the best books I read in the last three months.

Shadow & Bone Series by Leigh Bardugo

The Six of Crows Duology made it on the Best Books of Q1 list without question. If you want to read the Grishaverse books, I highly recommend starting with the Shadow & Bone series. This series sets the stage for the amazing cast of characters over the next seven books and puts into motion the events that shape those characters. The books are: Shadow & Bone, Seige & Storm, Ruin & Rising and they focus on Alina Starkov, her best friend Malyen Oretsev, and The Darkling.

I do feel this trilogy could have been a duology like the other books in the series. There were slower parts and more downtime than I prefer in a series, but I loved the way it ended for the characters and set up the future stories.

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King of Scars & Rule of Wolves (Duology) by Leigh Bardugo

After the events of Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, we follow Nikolai, Zoya, and Nina in their quest to save Ravka from invasion and save the Grisha from a new chemical weapon. These two books are the best in the Grishaverse to date and left me desperate for more of these stories!

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Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

Quite the departure from the Grishaverse, Bardugo’s new adult series starts strong with Ninth House. We meet Alex Stern at Yale University and Alex has a past. Because of her mysterious and tragic past, Alex was admitted to Yale with a full ride to work with the secret societies performing magical rites and rituals across campus. Only when things start going wrong does Alex step into her own to take charge and make things right.

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Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune

Oh how I loved this book. Under the Whispering Door deals with death and the afterlife. It’s a beautiful story of love, family, hope, and tenacity. I cried happy tears and I cried sad tears. You feel all the feelings the characters experience. This is one of those novels that makes you want to hug the book once you’re finished.

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This quarter was a big Leigh Bardugo time for me. I've read nearly all her Grishaverse works and started her latest series. I also renewed my Page 1 Book subscription box, so I’m excited for the next year of monthly books curated by the wonderful team at Page 1. Happy Summer & Happy Reading!