Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart (and other stories) by Gennarose Nethercott

Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart (and other stories)

Author: Gennarose Nethercott

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Short Stories

Publish Date: February 2024

Read: December 2024

Favorite Quote: Monsters and flowers aren’t much different. Sometimes they are hard to tell apart—but a good florist knows what to look for.

Story Synopsis: A magical eternal staircase that descends forever, causing people to go mad. A shapeshifting fox/man. A ghost girl who looks better than her living counterpart across an ocean. Creatures who live and thrive on our happiness and misery.

Why does this book beguile? Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart is a wonderful collection of short stories about magic that feels real and reality that feels like magic. You’ll be sucked in to the characters and weird goings-on that occur in the pages. When you come up for air, you’ll question where you’ve been.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart (and other stories) by Gennarose Nethercott

If you’re interested in this, read*: Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders by Neil Gaiman