Treating Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: A Clinician's Guide by Lindsay C Gibson
Treating Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Subtitle: A Clinician’s Guide
Author: Lindsay C Gibson
Genre: Non-fiction, Self-help, Psychology
Format: Digital ARC via NetGalley
Publish Date: December 2024
Read: December 2024
Favorite Quote: Parentified children are often referred to as “old souls” —wise and calm beyond their years. But they can pay for their precocity by harboring a squishy center of insecurity and loneliness, a wound formed in their earliest unsupported years.
Synopsis: The fifth book in Gibson’s Emotionally Immature series, Treating Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents gives clinicians a guidebook for working directly with Adult Children of EI Parents (ACEIPs). Gibson dives into what these ACEIPs possibly experiences and gives the therapist/clinician the tools, techniques, and prodding questions to help their clients/patients overcome the inner child wounds that plague them in their adult lives.
Why does this book beguile? From the first book, I was able to see how the discussion around EI parents could apply to any EI adult. This book is specifically written for therapists treating clients, but you may be able to gain some helpful tools in working with ACEIPs in your life and provide a safe space. Ultimately, if you’re not a therapist, I’d skip this book and focus on some of the other Gibson books that are out there.
Rating: 5/5
Link*: Treating Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: A Clinician's Guide by Lindsay C Gibson
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