In An Orchard Grown From Ash by Rory Power

In an orchard grown from Ash

Author: Rory Power

Series: The Wind-Up Garden

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: May 2023

Read: January 2023

Favorite Quote: My young friend here is using a dull knife when a sharp one would be better.

Story Synopsis: Book two of The Wind-Up Garden series picks up where In a Garden Burning Gold left off. In the first book, we followed the stories of Lexos and Rhea. In an Orchard Grown from Ash expands the points of view to include Chrysanthi. The siblings seek their brother Nitsos as they all hope to learn more about the old custom of saints worship while dealing with constant political jockeying and power plays.

Why does this book beguile? I found this book tediously slow. It took me a long time to get through it. The action picks up about 70% through the book, but the ending left a lot to be desired. After the mind games and sneakiness of the first book, In an Orchard Grown from Ash did not resonate with me.

Rating: 3.5/5

Link*: In An Orchard Grown from Ash by Rory Power