Queen Among the Dead by Lesley Livingston

Queen Among the Dead

Author: Lesley Livingston

Genre: Fiction

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: January 2023

Read: November 2022

Story Synopsis: Neve, the younger of two sisters of Eire’s king, finds an unlikely ally in a druid-turned-thief. When Neve’s world is turned upside-down and she’s forced to confront magic in a kingdom where magic is strictly forbidden, Neve must figure out how to stay true to herself and navigate the complex social structures of her kingdom.

Thoughts & Feelings: Queen Among the Dead is based on Celtic mythology, so I was hopeful and excited to read this ARC. Unfortunately, it fell a bit flat for me. I loved the characters, but felt the emphasis of the writing was on the wrong things. I found myself missing big pieces of action because they weren’t written in a way that I knew a battle was being fought. I also felt there was too much setup of the world. Is this meant to be a series? Who can tell?

Rating: 3/5 - potential is there, but it’s not for me

Link*: Queen Among the Dead by Lesley Livingston