Woman, Captain, Rebel by Margaret Willson

Woman, Captain, Rebel

The Extraordinary True Story of a Daring Icelandic Sea Captain

Author: Margaret Willson

Genre: Biography

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: January 2023

Read: October 2022

Synopsis: Captain Thuridur was a competent, respected captain and community leader in Iceland in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Margaret Willson compiled a fascinating retelling of her life in Woman, Captain, Rebel. Thuridur defied many conventions of the time regarding how women were to act, what they were to wear, and how they are viewed within Icelandic society.

Likes: I love the content of this story, and it ticks so many boxes for me. I enjoy tales of Iceland and Nordic countries, women railing against convention and defying the odds and leadership. This book uniquely covers all of it.

Comments: I struggled with the names of places and people throughout Iceland in this book. If you decide to read it, I’d recommend a physical copy of the book to easily refer to the list of people at the beginning provided by the author.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Link*: Woman, Captain, Rebel: The Extraordinary True Story of a Daring Icelandic Sea Captain by Margaret Willson