Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim

Spice Road

Author: Maiya Ibrahim

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: January 2023

Read: November 2022

Favorite Quote: “Should I not be angered equally for a stranger as for my own family, as I would want a stranger to do….”

Story Synopsis: Imani is a young woman who lives in Qalia and wants for nothing. She’s privileged, has a loving family, and has a magical affinity for iron. However, her brother disappeared. While everyone believes him dead, Imani’s sister, Amira, convinces her he is still alive and needs help. To bring her brother home, Imani gets help from an unlikely ally, as well as gets approval from the Qalia council. As she begins her journey with three companions, Imani is forced to question everything she grew up believing and her values.

Thoughts & Feelings: I enjoyed Spice Road immensely! After reading The Daevabad Trilogy earlier this year, I found I enjoy Middle Eastern fantasy. Spice Road has djinni, magic, romance, and high-stakes adventure. This novel ends nicely but feels like the first of a series, so I am excited to follow author Maya Ibrahim and read more!

Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

Link*: Spice Road by Maya Ibrahim