Beguiled By Books

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Stardust by Neil Gaiman


Author: Neil Gaiman

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital via Libby

Publish Date: 1997, republished in 2021

Read: January 2024

Favorite Quote: Have been unavoidably detained by the world. Expect us when you see us.

Story Synopsis: Tristran Thorn lives in the dull village of Wall. At age seventeen, he decides he’d like to marry the prettiest girl in Wall. Before she gives him his heart’s desire, he must retrieve a fallen star and bring it to her to prove his worth.

Tristran sets off on an adventure in Faerie, where he suspects he doesn’t know the truth about his parentage. While there, he’s helped by several Folk as Tristran finds the Star and tries to bring her back to Wall. Tristran doesn’t know how many others seek the fallen star and how much hinges on Tristran succeeding on his quest.

Why does this book beguile? I enjoyed this story of Faerie, love, family, and kindness. Stardust is a quick read and feels like a fairytale. When I was finished, I realized I wanted a second novel, or novellas, diving into detail of Tristran’s adventures in Faerie. After I finish a book and feel this way, I know it’s good. Neil Gaiman has a knack for crafting a beautiful story without extraneous detail. Stardust fits that bill.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Stardust by Neil Gaiman

If you’re interested in this, read*: Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders by Neil Gaiman