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The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

The Midnight Library

Author: Matt Haig

Genre: Fiction

Format: Digital (Kindle Purchase)

Publish Date: September 2020

Read: June 2021

Favorite Quote: If you have found a life you truly want to live, then you get to live it until you die of old age.

Story Synopsis: The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig, came recommended to me by a dear friend. I’ll be honest; I was hesitant – not because my friend doesn’t recommend good books, but because our main character, Nora, finds herself caught between lives after deciding to end her own. That is NOT a spoiler, I promise.

The Midnight Library takes you on a beautiful “what-if” journey. If you’ve ever wondered how your life would be different by choosing A instead of B or choice Q instead of H, you’ll love this novel.

What’s different and exciting to me about The Midnight Library is the focus on Nora in a singular moment. It’s not about a long series of events or various people in and out of her life. It’s about Nora’s decision in a moment drawn out into many dozens, or hundreds, of moments.

Thoughts & Feelings: I loved that you have no idea how this story ends. Throughout the book, I found myself hoping for different resolutions based on Nora’s varying experiences, and regardless of my changing hopes, I loved how the book ended.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Link*: The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig