The River of Silver by S. A. Chakraborty

The River of Silver

Author: S.A. Chakraborty

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Digital (Kindle Purchase)

Publish Date: October 2022

Read: November 2022

Favorite Quote: Men like Kaveh would rather me be a silent icon they can worship instead of a leader who actually challenges them.

Story Synopsis: The River of Silver is the latest visit to the Daevabad empire by S.A. Chakraborty. While we return to the characters and the world Chakraborty created, The River of Silver is the deleted scenes and alternate endings of The Daevabad Trilogy. There are excerpts from Nahri, Dara, Ali, Jamshid, and more.

Thoughts & Feelings: I enjoyed this so much. It was refreshing to revisit characters I loved from the trilogy. And while I did love it, I don’t think it’s necessary to read if you don’t want to. The Trilogy stands on its own so well!

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Link*: The River of Silver by S.A. Chakraborty