These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong

Title: Book 1: These Violent Delights

Book 2: Our Violent Ends

Author: Chloe Gong

Genre: Fiction

Format: Digital Books (Borrowed from Library)

Read: June 2022

Story Synopsis: Roma Montagov and Juliette Cai are heirs to their respective gangs in 1920s Shanghai. After five years of separation, will the burlesque and bullets of opium-trafficked Shanghai make them into the crime bosses their families desire? Or will they become the star-crossed lovers of legend?

Likes: I really liked how Chloe Gong aged up the classic Romeo & Juliette. Roma and Juliette are adults in their own right and not some dumb, hormone-raging teenagers with a flair for drama. The story also makes the traditional side characters of Benedict and Mercutio more main characters and adds some new characters as well.

Comments: I saw several of my Goodreads friends reading this set and was moderately intrigued. However, I knew nothing about the story. Then, knowing I’m a fan of Shakespeare, my hubby asked me if I heard of these books as they are a retelling of Romeo & Juliet. My only major issue with these novels is the length. Nearly 1000 pages! It was extremely well-written, but it had many moments of “fluff” that dragged the story out too long. I say that knowing there’s a “spinoff” book coming soon (Foul Lady Fortune), so perhaps it will be better suited for a fantasy-style universe.

Also, these books could make an AWESOME movie.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Affiliate Link To Purchase: These Violent Delights & Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong

Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong