Beguiled By Books

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The Witchstone by Henry H. Neff

The Witchstone

Author: Henry H. Neff

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: June 2024

Read: March 2024

Favorite Quote: Nothing is impossible for those with the vision and will to bring it into being.”

Story Synopsis: Lazslo is your average workaday demon. His job as a curse-keeper is cushy. He galavants around New York City, hustling the hustlers, drinking, and carousing with humans. But like all corporate jobs, he can only fly under the radar for so long.

Laszlo gets a new Overseer and is threatened with a demonic death for poor performance. The consummate hustler, Laszlo negotiates his way into getting a week’s reprieve to boost his numbers, and to do so, Laszlo selects an old, lingering curse on the Drakeford family. This generation of Drakefords, however, are spunky and ready to break the curse that’s kept their family from living full lives. After run-ins with kobolds and a jaunt to Europe, Laszlo must decide to help the Drakefords break the curse or become a model employee.

Why does this book beguile? The Witchstone was such a fun book! Laszlo is a very relatable demon, and his connection with Maggie Drakeford is fun and endearing. I enjoyed the three main characters in their own right and appreciate how Neff gave the demons human qualities. If you’re looking for a fun, energetic, urban-fantasy, you’ll enjoy The Witchstone!

Rating: 4/5

Link*: The Witchstone by Henry H. Neff

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