34 More Things I Learned...

Last year, I had a great response to my 33 Lessons birthday post. Each day brings the opportunity to learn something new. From birthday to birthday, you have the potential to learn 365 new things – at least! Here are some of the things I’ve learned and observed in the last year.

  1. Once you realize other peoples’ emotions are projections of their fears and insecurities, it’s much easier to let things roll off your back.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with saying, “I have no opinion on this subject.” Or “I don’t have enough information to have an opinion here.”

  3. You don’t have to agree or disagree with people. “That’s interesting.” Or “Interesting thought” are great comments to disengage from potentially intense conversations.

  4. Be helpful.

  5. Know what you’re worth and know how you add value. Then, make sure you get paid accordingly.

  6. Meditate

  7. Good lighting transforms a space.

  8. Make long-term goals and be flexible as to when you accomplish them. You never know when an opportunity will present itself.

  9. Be kind, but don’t worry about being nice. Kind and nice are not the same.

  10. You are not your job title.

  11. Pick up hobbies that are interesting to you (See #10)

  12. Go outside and be in nature.

  13. Don’t try to “recreate” experiences at home. Savor the experience (trip/dinner/concert/whatever) as it was meant to be and make room for new experiences.

  14. Drink lots of water. And then drink more.

  15. Using your intuition is a skill. Develop it and trust it.

  16. Vulnerability doesn’t mean oversharing.

  17. Always have a pen and notepad in areas where you relax (or a voice recorder). The best ideas usually come when you’re unprepared, like falling asleep/waking up, in the shower, or driving.

  18. An introverted person isn’t a hermit.

  19. Don’t let yourself be the only person in any relationship (professional, love, friendship) keeping it alive.

  20. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it definitely reduces stress.

  21. Autonomy = freedom

  22. Take notes/journal about your job and significant events in your life. It’s always good to have a record of what happens and your feelings from in the moment.

  23. Purge your house of stuff regularly. Less is more.

  24. Don’t allow yourself to use personality tests or Zodiacs as a crutch for behavior that needs to change.

  25. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.

  26. Relearn how to breathe correctly.

  27. Don’t do things you don’t want to do out of obligation.

  28. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for saying no.

  29. You can’t control how others feel, react, or respond. Do the right thing, be kind, and tell the truth. Everything else will shake out.

  30. Being authentic doesn’t require you to share (or overshare) all the facets of who you are.

  31. Fear-based decisions rarely result in positive outcomes.

  32. Adaptability does not equal agreeability.

  33. “If you can be anything, you should be efficient.” – Wayne, Letterkenny

  34. Having the right tool for any job makes that job 10x more enjoyable and more manageable.

Plus, two quotes from one of my dear friends:

  • “This conversation has far exceeded my interest in it.”

  • “A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.”


All you control is your mind, your thoughts, and your reactions. Never stop learning, growing, improving, and adapting. Stay healthy, get wealthy, and be wise.