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Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry

Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day

Author: Todd Henry

Genre: Non-Fiction

Format: Digital (Kindle Purchase)

Publish Date: September 2013

Read: July 2021

Favorite Quote: There’s nothing wrong with experiencing comfort as a by-product of your labor, but you can’t make it your chief goal. Greatness emerges when you consistently choose to do what’s right, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Story Synopsis: COVID-19 brought many issues around work to the forefront of our minds. More people want to discuss how, where, when, and why we work in a changing society. Die Empty highlights our collective desire to do great work, explains what frequently gets in our way, and how to change it. Now, more than ever, people want meaning, and Die Empty can help you find and deliver it.

Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day is a lovely, much-needed non-fiction book about how to deliver your best work every day. I particularly liked it because of the title: Die Empty. Sure, it sounds a bit morbid, but the truth is we all die. Remembering you have a finite amount of time helps maximize the time you have.

Thoughts & Feelings: I loved the length of this book: not too long, not too short, just right. Too often, self-development topics don’t have quite enough to be a book, so the content is padded with tangential facts, barely related anecdotes, and common-sense moments described as life-altering epiphanies.

I found the tactics Henry describes as most beneficial. I enjoyed how Henry outlines different aspects of our work – mapping, meshing, and making – and how different combinations of dominant and non-dominant work styles affect your output. Also, Henry addresses adjusting your habits and expectations and when to ask for help when you are stuck.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Link*: Die Empty: Unleashing Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry