Discipline is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control by Ryan Holiday

Discipline is Destiny: The Power of Self Control

Author: Ryan Holiday

Genre: Non-fiction

Format: Physical book & Kindle Purchase (I’m a superfan)

Publish Date: Sept 2022

Read: Oct 2022

Favorite Quote: Discipline isn’t just endurance and strength. It’s also finding the best, most economical way of doing something. It’s the commitment to evolving and improving so that the tasks get more efficient as you go. A true master isn’t just dominating their profession, they’re also doing it with ease . . . while everyone else is still huffing and puffing.”

Synopsis: Discipline is Destiny is the second of the Stoic Virtues series by Ryan Holiday. I first encountered Holiday’s work in 2018 when he was the keynote speaker at a conference I attended. I was immediately transfixed by how he applied Roman stoicism to our modern world. I’ve since read every book by Holiday. Discipline is about the Stoic virtue of Temperance. Temperance is all about balance: caring about what you look like without vanity, being empathetic without a bleeding heart, and transparency without a lack of boundaries. Holiday’s latest book shares examples of temperance from well-known global figures (Queen Elizabeth II, Gregg Popovich). The book contrasts them with well-known figures who failed in their self-discipline (Napoleon), in ways that make sense and help you reflect on ways to be better.

Why does this book beguile: Discipline is a great book, and it’s easy to read through quickly while still being able to absorb it. It’s great to see all the contradictions and nuances of what balance truly means and figure out how to apply temperance to your life.

Rating: 5/5 - Highly Recommend

Link*: Discipline is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control by Ryan Holiday

Book Club Reading Guide: Discipline is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control by Ryan Holiday