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Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

Ego is the Enemy

Author: Ryan Holiday

Genre: Non-fiction

Format: Physical

Publish Date: June 2016

Read: December 2018

Favorite Quote: “While the history books are filled with tales of obsessive visionary geniuses who remade the world in their image with sheer, almost irrational force, I’ve found that history is also made by individuals who fought their egos at every turn, who eschewed the spotlight, and who put their higher goals above their desire for recognition.”

Synopsis: Ego is the Enemy is the second of three books in Ryan Holiday’s Stoic trilogy. This book illustrates the power of one’s ego and how it so easily leads greatness astray. Throughout history, we have stories of those who let hubris dictate their actions - and how that ultimately harmed their end goals.

Thoughts & Feelings: After reading The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, I knew I’d love Ego is the Enemy. It shows the fine line between ambition and ego - but it’s not all doom and gloom. Ego is the Enemy tells excellent stories of people throughout history who kept their egos in check and lived longer and happier than those who sought a momentary blip of power.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Link*: Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

Reading Guide: Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday Reading Guide