Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in An Economy That Hates You by Chris Guillebeau

Gonzo Capitalism

Subtitle: How to Make Money in An Economy That Hates You

Author: Chris Guillebeau

Genre: Non-fiction, Entrepreneurship

Format: Digital ARC via NetGalley

Publish Date: August 2023

Read: July 2023

Favorite Quote: At some point in recent history, the global economy stopped making sense.

Synopsis: The old rules of making money and living a “good life” are out. Millennials and Gen Z are now rewriting the rules of money, money-making, and economics as prices rise and wages stagnate. Guillebeau dives into the unconventional ways people are making money - from influencers, digital entrepreneurs, crypto-gamers, and taking on big corporations in lawsuits. As young people rewrite the game's rules, the future is more uncertain than ever with traditional economics.

Why does this book beguile? I’ve been a big fan of Guillebeau for a long time. Originally a travel blogger, Guillebeau’s unconventional way of making money and taking on the world has been inspirational. I frequently gift The Art of Non-Conformity* to interns and high-school grads to help illustrate that there are many paths forward and ways to make money and define success. Gonzo Capitalism is a tactical book that supplements the concepts in The Art of Non-Conformity. Will all these entrepreneurial ideas make money in the future? Unlikely. Even now, as this book is published, the future of crypto is uncertain. But there are many undiscovered ways of earning a living that some enterprising person will discover. Gonzo Capitalism looks at what our economy used to be, what it can be, and the ever-changing definition of capitalism.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in An Economy That Hates You by Chris Guillebeau - Amazon | Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in An Economy That Hates You by Chris Guillebeau - Bookshop.Org

If you like this, read*: The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau