Beguiled By Books

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The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession by Michael Finkel

The Art Thief

Subtitle: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession

Author: Michael Finkel

Genre: Nonfiction, Art, Narrative Nonfiction, Crime

Format: Digital via Libby

Publish Date: June 2023

Read: March 2024

Favorite Quote: Crime works best, he says, not with overpowering force but when nobody knows it’s being committed.

Synopsis: Art theft is a surprisingly difficult crime to commit, yet Stephane Breitweiser, the subject of Michael Finkel’s book, is one of the art world’s most successful, surprising, and unsuspecting thieves. Driven by a compulsion to “borrow” art and display the pieces in his tiny bedroom in his mother’s house, Breitweiser “liberates” over one hundred pieces from small museums throughout Europe over a seven-year period. The real shocker is how he does this in broad daylight, often on weekends, and armed only with an oversized coat and a Swiss Army knife. His girlfriend acts as a lookout and occasionally hides items in her purse. Together, they commit theft after theft until Breitweiser’s compulsion gets the better of him.

Why does this book beguile? I do love a narrative nonfiction book: truth told like fiction. The Art Thief delivers. The author did a great job of telling the story factually, limiting embellishment for the sake of the narrative. However, the facts themselves present a wild ride, and I appreciate how Finkel peppered assessments from doctors and psychologists who spoke to Breitweiser after he was caught (spoiler!). I was left feeling empathetic, disgusted, curious, and annoyed by Breitweiser - and even more interested in his girlfriend/accomplice, who rarely spoke about these events. The Art Thief is a fascinating (and short!) narrative nonfiction book for anyone who likes true crime and unstable characters.

Rating: 4/5

Link*: The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession by Michael Finkel

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