The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer

The Lost Story

Author: Meg Shaffer

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy

Format: Digital ARC

Publish Date: July 2024

Read: May 2024

Favorite Quote: And that is why the world has Holy Grails - not because the world needs Holy Grails, but because the world needs heroes.

Story Synopsis: Jeremy and Ralph disappeared in Red Crow State Forest for six months at age fifteen. When they returned, Ralph couldn’t remember anything and Jeremy was whisked back to England with his mother.

Fifteen years later, Emilie has just discovered she has an older sister—who happened to get lost in the same forest about five years before Jeremy and Ralph. Now an adult, Jeremy runs a business finding missing women and girls. Emilie seeks out Jeremy to help find her sister (or, her body) so Emilie has closure. When Jeremy realizes who the sister is, he and Ralph must reconnect and return to Red Crow and face their past.

Why does this book beguile? Meg Shaffer wrote The Wishing Game, which I absolutely fell in love with. I’m delighted to say The Lost Story is just as incredible. The Lost Story takes readers to a parallel world and bases her fairy tale in the wilds of West Virginia. Shaffer’s writing is captivating, her characters are relatable, and like any good novel, I was left desperately wanting more! This is the most perfect book that will leave you feeling wholesome, enchanted, hopeful, and light.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer

If you’re interested in this, read*: The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer