Reboot: Leadership and The Art of Growing Up by Jerry Colonna

Reboot: Leadership and The Art of Growing Up

Author: Jerry Colonna

Genre: Non-fiction

Format: Kindle Purchase

Publish Date: June 2019

Read: December 2022

Favorite Quote: And when we make mistakes—when we fail to lead—our identity; our sense of self; our self-esteem; our deeply held beliefs about what it will take to feel loved and safe and that we belong, as well as that most the basic ability to provide for ourselves and our loved ones, seems to implode.

Synopsis: Jerry Colonna had a very interesting career and is now a CEO consultant. This book reflects how he and his clients have grown as people and leaders by embracing vulnerability, fear, and finding ways through it.

Thoughts & Feelings: I first came across Jerry Colonna on a podcast back in 2019 and bought his book. It took me a while to read it, but I am so glad I did. Books come to you at the right time, and it felt right to read it now. Reboot turns leadership books on their heads. Instead of inane, generic tactics to get higher revenue or “hire great people,” Colonna makes you reflect and introduces you, the reader, to “radical self-inquiry” so you can find purpose, peace, and balance.

Rating: 5/5

Link*: Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up by Jerry Colonna