Live long enough, you realize some folks can be handed a problem and some tools, and they’ll sort it out. And I never think twice about hiring that sort of fellow.
Read MoreYou made a haunted house out of your own flesh and bones.
Read MoreAn anthology of short stories by Black authors redefining the horror genre.
Read MoreA dark fiction anthology by indigenous writers.
Read MoreI have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.
Read MoreThe internet’s a great place for finding out about stuff you’re kind of interested in, but it can’t really help with the things you really want to know. It’s even worse for things you don’t know anything about.
Read MoreHow many women throughout history were blamed for the weaknesses of men? We made such convenient scapegoats. We were raised to be small, to be silent, to take whatever we were given and no more.
Read MoreWhen you’re an only child, semi-imprisoned, books become more than paper between hard cardboard, more than the alphabet organized into words and printed on a page.
Read MoreThe city in the south would go the way of limestone, crumbling into the desert until nothing was left but an archaeological layer of dark gray ash and sorrow.
Read MoreFear is generous and does not exclusively live in the hearts of mortals.
Read MoreCan you imagine the colonized fighting on behalf of the colonizer to protect the colonizer from being colonized?
Read MoreNo woman should be made to fear that she was not enough.
Read MoreHow many generations of women had delayed their greatness only to have time extinguish it completely? How many women had run out of time while the men didn’t know what to do with theirs? And what a mean trick to call such things holy or selfless. How evil to praise women for giving up each and every dream.
Read MoreThe unsaid thing about funerals is that directly after the communal mourning for someone you love, after everyone is gone and the connected grief dispersed, comes a solitude beyond imagining. A great, gaping nothing where a whole person and life and future used to be. The other side of a funeral is abyss.
Read MoreBecause broken hearts strip vocabularies down to their raw bones…
Read MoreWhen Kyra makes all the males disappear, she must choose her sister who hates her or the man who loves her.
Read MoreNo one keeps every book they read, which means the ones we do keep are important. A person’s library is like a fingerprint.
Read More“Grief can change a person to the point where they become someone they don’t know, or even like very much. I don’t want that to happen to you.”
Read MoreAnd that is why the world has Holy Grails - not because the world needs Holy Grails, but because the world needs heroes.
Read MoreWho cared that life was lonely, that jobs were thankless drudgery, that the romance of the proud American state was myth, that the rules of life were laid carefully in neat books and laws written by stern Europeans who stalked the town and state like the grim reaper, with their righteous churches spouting that Jews murdered their precious Jesus Christ?
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