Enjoy life to the best of your abilities.
Read MoreLife is unfair, and sometimes it helps to irrationally blame someone for it.
Read MoreThe relentless overload that’s wearing us down is generated by a belief that “good” work requires increasing busyness—faster responses to email and chats, more meetings, more tasks, more hours.
Read MoreThe key to using optimism to enhance resilience is in rejecting black-and-white, either/or thinking. Resilient people use both optimism and pessimism strategically to gain the critical insights and information they need to adjust to change.
Read MoreI did not know when humans pray for nature, they pray for something to control.
Read MoreCreativity is only possible in an imperfect world. In a perfect, complete world it is not possible at all.
Read MoreCompanies are often faced with a predicament about whether to play it safe and maximize their resources (known as exploitation) or look to new products, areas, or partnerships for growth (known as exploration).
Read MoreBad things happen when white people discover the gifts of brown women.
Read MoreI want to meet you in every place I ever loved. Listen to me. I am your echo. I would rather break the world than lose you.
Read MoreA mind-bending novella about past, present, and future selves.
Read MoreThe plot hadn’t really got going yet - a lot of backstory - but something exciting was going to happen soon. It had to: the title promised it.
Read MoreMy father told me once it wasn’t true that people get more conservative over time; he said they just get tired and it’s easy when you’re tired to be agreeable.
Read MoreCrime works best, he says, not with overpowering force but when nobody knows it’s being committed.
Read MoreAnother book in the “weird girl fiction” space
Read MoreWhen something bad is actually happening, it's easy to underreact, because a part of you is wired to assume it isn't real. When you stop underreacting, the horror is unique because it is, unfortunately, endless.
Read MoreBecause it felt feminine to put emotion before rationality, to fall madly in love, to surrender one’s own existence to support a man.
Read MoreWe’re living in what they call the ‘information age,’ but life only seems to be making less sense. We’re isolated, listless, burnt out on screens, cutting loved ones out like tumors in the spirit of “boundaries,” failing to understand other people’s choices or even our own.
Read MoreDon’t let him make His own selfishness someone else’s burden to bear.
Read MoreA “no-nonsense” woman is “cold,” “bitchy,” and disliked. If she expresses frustration or anger at being treated unfairly, or even asks for help, she is considered less competent and less deserving of pay or reward.
Read MoreThe arrogance of men never ceases to amaze me. You all think everything has to do with you, and every woman has to desire you.
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